Home / Alarm > Motion

Customize settings for motion detection alarms and recording.


1. Channel List: List of available channels.

2. Enable: Enable motion detection for the specified channel.

3. Holding Time: The time, in seconds, that the channel will record after detecting motion before resolving the video recording. If it continues to detect motion during that time, it will treat it as part of the same recording and continue the recording until no motion has been detected for the Holding Time.

4. Trigger: Select the ”Setting” button to set up Alarm and “To Record” functions. See Below

5. Area: Select the “Setting” button to set up an area for motion detection. See Below

Use the bottom row to manage all channels.

Trigger > Setting

1. Buzzer: Select whether you want a buzzer alarm to sound from the DVR when motion is detected during the determined times.

2. Show Full Screen: Select whether a specific channel appears on your monitor when this motion sensor has been triggered.

3. To Alarm Out: This feature is not supported by this device.

4. Email: Select whether an an email alert is sent when the motion sensor has been triggered.

5. Snap: Select whether a snapshot of the screen is recorded once the motion sensor has been triggered.

Trigger > To Record

Select which additional channels will start recording when motion is detected. To enable this feature ensure a check mark is in the box beside the channel that you would like to record.

Trigger > To PTZ

This feature is not supported by this product.

Area > Setting

How to Set Up a Motion Grid

Customize and set up a motion grid. This determines what areas of the camera image will be triggered to motion detection.

Left click and drag to determine the specific areas that WILL NOT trigger motion detection. Any area covered by the grid is active

 Remember to Click the SAVE ICON to save your settings.

In this second image we can see that the window is not covered by the grid. Any motion detected in that area of the image will not trigger motion detection recording. If someone were to enter through the door however, the motion sensor would trigger and the camera would start recording footage to the DVR.

1. Sensitivity Slider: Determines how much movement in the camera’s image will trigger motion detection. A higher sensitivity value will require more significant movement to trigger motion detection. 

A sensitivity of 1 will be the most sensitive and require the least amount of movement to trigger motion detection.

2. Select All: The entire screen is sensitive to motion detection

3. Select None: Removes the Grid. None of the screen is sensitive to motion detection

4. Test Sensitivity: Click and drag across the screen to simulate movement and ensure your sensitivity settings will pick movement.

5. Save Settings: Select to save any changes to your sensitivity or motion grid settings.

6. Close Menu: Closes the Sensitivity Menu. Right click on the mouse to restore the menu.

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